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The Stories I want to tell

I've been making movies since the end of 2019. I'd been making movies since 2015, but they weren't really "serious." It'd just be me inviting some friends over and recording literally anything on my camera. We had a semblance of the characters, but no story whatsoever. I'd shoot using my laptop screen. Place it anywhere in the room and hit record. We'd be looking at the camera and talking. There was no concept of breaking the fourth wall. But one day, I started to notice 'cuts' and 'edits' in movies, and decided it was time to change the way I approached moviemaking.  I still remember the day I shot a small sequence of me opening my cupboard, taking out and wearing my dad's leather jacket, walking out of my house and into the lift. That was the first time I used multiple different angles and I learned so much about cuts and continuity. I showed it to my friend who I made movies with, and he was so enthralled that he asked me to play

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My 2022 Filmmaking Journey